For many reasons, fall can be a challenging season culminating in disequilibrium for both our body and mind as well as our spirit. We often feel more depleted, and our digestion, sleep, immune system, skin, energy level and overall sense of well-being can take a beating. Experiencing a challenging seasonal transition from summer to fall myself, I'm excited to share this 10-day reset cleanse with you.
This cleanse is not about deprivation or an attempt at starvation, but instead gives you practice eating and living well in order to feel more balanced and vibrant in your everyday life. It’s a detoxifying experience for not only our physical bodies, but also our busy lives, clouded minds and distracted spirits. My hope is that participants near and far restore their physical and emotional bodies by reprioritizing the time spent taking care of themselves.
Cleanse Eating Plan:
On days 1-5, we’ll limit animal protein (fish and eggs OK) and remove gluten, dairy, highly processed soy and other foods, caffeine, alcohol and sugar.
On days 6-10, animal protein will be removed altogether.
The Fall Reset Cleanse includes:
2 45-minute group coaching calls with me (Registered Dietitian & wellness coach) to share current challenges and intentions for the 10 days - October 3 and 15 (time TBD)
Daily food plan (a blend of seasonal and anti-inflammatory foods)
Simple, delicious and easy-to-prepare seasonal recipes
Instructions for mindful routines and wellness rituals
Daily emails with encouragement, motivation and accountability
Tools & recipes for cravings
A supportive community
Add-on discounted yoga and wellness coaching**
First time cleansers - $150 // $175 after September 30th; Repeat cleanse participants - $100
Grab a friend or your partner and join me on October 7th!
Read more about what past cleanse participants are saying (see below), and sign up HERE to choose wellness this Fall!
** Cleanse Add-Ons**
During these 10-days, I strongly encourage a movement routine to help you maximize your cleanse as well as additional nutrition and wellness coaching to ensure your new habits live on well past October 16th.
5 Class Yoga Package for NYC clients at my LES studio - $90 (to be used by 11/30/2019)
1 Private Yoga Session for NYC clients - $130 @ LES Studio/ $160 away (to be completed by 12/15/19)
Individualized Nutrition Coaching || 5 sessions - $475 (to be completed by 2/28/20) in-person in NYC LES Studio/ online outside of NYC
Cleanse Testimonials
“I stopped sugar and caffeine and am surprised I’m not having any cravings. I’m eating a lot more vegetables and feeling great!”
“My favorite part was that I wasn’t hungry between meals, and I even lost a few pounds.”
“I loved feeling incredibly connected to myself and hence more connected to my everyday - my children, my husband, my intentions at work. The extra time I gave myself in the morning became invaluable. I’ve already recommended this cleanse to a bunch of friends!”
“I found it so helpful to have the meal plan and recipes. It just gave me a really solid foundation to work from. I also really enjoyed the daily emails. They helped keep me focused on what I had committed to for the 10 days.”
“The recipes were great and easy to follow. I tried things I don’t eat on a regular basis but realized I actually love. So glad to be inspired by how I feed myself and my family, and I can’t wait to join the next time!”