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LIVING WHOLE & EATING WELL - a 14-day program

As we move into a brand new year, it’s a natural time to stop and reflect on what habits we want to carry forward with us. With kindness and awareness, we can assess how we're caring for ourselves and whether it's working for us. How's your energy? Sense of well-being? Ability to be resilient? Daily Digestion? Sleep quality? Overall vitality? When you look back on 2020, have you nourished and supported yourself in the ways you’ve wanted to?

To be honest, even though we did the best we could, a lot of us struggled to care for and nourish ourselves well. 2020 was a year that was extremely difficult for so many reasons big and small, leaving many of us struggling with how we’re feeling in our bodies. We’re stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted, and depleted, and may feel sub-par and unbalanced. The good news is that now is always the perfect time to reset, start again, and make different choices. Nourishing your body with whole foods and incorporating some simple wellness practices into your daily routine are the first steps you can take to feeling more balanced and vibrant.

Embarking on this kind of reset alone, though, is often challenging. So, let’s gather with others who have these very same wellness goals and forge a healthier path together. I invite you to join me for 14 days of living whole and eating well!

Throughout the 14 days, we’ll explore these areas in our lives:

  • FOOD: eat whole, simple, and supportive foods in a balanced way

  • PRESENCE: gather your attention and practice mindfulness

  • MOVEMENT: move and sweat daily

  • RITUAL: establish a morning routine

  • NOISE: set boundaries around news, social media, and screen time

  • LOVE: make time for your friends, family, pets, and community

  • OUTSIDE: enjoy fresh air and nature when it’s safe

  • CHALLENGE: choose something to move you out of your comfort zone often

  • SELF-CARE: replenish and restore yourself daily

  • GIVE: expand your perspective and care for others in big and small ways

PLEASE note: This program is not about deprivation or an attempt at starvation, but instead will give you practice eating and living well in order to have more energy and feel better well beyond the 14 days. It’s a detoxifying experience for not only our physical bodies but also our busy lives, clouded minds, and distracted spirits. My hope is that participants near and far restore their physical and emotional bodies by reprioritizing the time spent taking care of themselves. 

Eating Plan:

We’ll eat plants in abundance, limit animal protein (eggs OK), and remove gluten, dairy, highly processed foods, excess caffeine, alcohol, and sugar.

The Living Whole & Eating Well Program includes:

  • An opening & closing Zoom Meeting

  • A 20-minute one-on-one coaching call with me (Registered Dietitian Nutritionist & wellness coach) to share current challenges and intentions for the 14 days

  • A daily food plan that can be strictly or loosely followed (a blend of mostly seasonal, plant-based, and anti-inflammatory foods)

  • Simple, delicious, and easy-to-prepare recipes

  • Instructions for mindful routines and wellness rituals

  • Daily emails with encouragement, motivation, and accountability

  • Tools & recipes for cravings

  • A supportive community

  • Add-on discounted yoga sessions and nutrition and wellness coaching**

First time joining me - $175; Repeat participants - $125

Grab a friend or your partner and join me on February 1st!

Email me to SIGN UP NOW!

Read more about what past program participants are saying (see below) and choose feeling good in 2021!


During these 14-days, I strongly encourage a movement routine to help you maximize your experience as well as additional nutrition and wellness coaching to ensure your new habits live on well past February 14th.

5 Class Yoga Package for Friday Zoom Classes (9-10:15 ET, live or recorded class) - $90 (to be used by 4/30/2021)

1 Private Zoom Yoga Session - $140 (to be completed by 4/30/21)

Individualized Nutrition Coaching (Zoom) || 5 sessions - $575 or a single session - $110 (to be completed by 4/30/21)



“I loved feeling incredibly connected to myself and hence more connected to my every day - my children, my husband, my intentions at work. The extra time I gave myself in the morning became invaluable. I’ve already recommended this cleanse to a bunch of friends!”

“I stopped sugar and caffeine and am surprised I’m not having any cravings. I’m eating a lot more vegetables and feeling great!”

“I found it so helpful to have the meal plan and recipes.  It just gave me a really solid foundation to work from.  I also really enjoyed the daily emails.  They helped keep me focused on what I had committed to for the 10 days.”

“My favorite part was that I wasn’t hungry between meals, and I even lost a few pounds.”

“The recipes were great and easy to follow. I tried things I don’t eat on a regular basis but realized I actually love. So glad to be inspired by how I feed myself and my family, and I can’t wait to join the next time!”
