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Fall Reset Cleanse

For many reasons, fall can be a challenging season culminating in disequilibrium for both our body and mind as well as our spirit. We often feel more depleted, and our digestion, sleep, immune system, skin, energy level and overall sense of well-being can take a beating. Coming off of an unusually difficult seasonal transition myself, I've been working on a 10-day reset cleanse to share with you. I was going to wait until January to introduce it, but it's been so helpful that I'm excited to invite you to partake in it sooner than later!  It's different than the cleanses I've led before, and promises to be a powerful reset on many levels. Before we hit the busy holiday season, I would love to have you join me in resetting together this November.  

On days 1-5, we'll limit animal protein (fish and eggs OK) and remove gluten, dairy, highly processed soy and other foods, caffeine, alcohol and sugar). On days 6-10, animal protein will be removed altogether.

The cleanse includes a 20-minute coaching call with me to share current challenges and, more importantly, intentions for the 10 days, daily nutritional guidelines (a blend of seasonal and anti-inflammatory foods), simple yet delicious recipes, instructions for mindful routines and rituals, tools for cravings and a supportive community. My hope is that participants near and far realign their physical and emotional bodies by reprioritizing the time spent taking care of themselves. 

Since this is the first time I'm offering this cleanse, cost is $150/ $175 after October 25. 

Let me know if you're in!

Earlier Event: October 27
Fall Reset Yoga Class
Later Event: January 7
Winter Cleanse