Cleanses can be energizing and powerful during times of seasonal transition as well as when we’re feeling disconnected from our bodies, minds, and spirits. They can also be a powerful way to reset, reframe, and address inflammation.
In these 10 days together, we’ll take a break from foods that inflame our bodies and practice eating foods that nourish, support, energize, and detoxify. If you’ve been struggling with low energy, poor sleep, bloating or belly distress, headaches, dull skin, joint aches and pains, or brain fog, take 10 days to reset, learn and reconnect to supportive practices, and remind your body what it needs to feel healthy and well. This proves to be transformative work and can help you thrive in your overall health and well-being!
When: May 16-25, 2022
Eat an anti-inflammatory diet rich in vegetables and fruits, whole foods, healthy fats, and sustainable protein while eliminating coffee, alcohol, dairy, gluten, sugar, corn, soy, eggs, processed foods, and refined oils.
Practice stress-reducing movement and activities that will help soothe inflammation.
Included is :
Pre-Cleanse Prep: The Friday before the session start date, you’ll receive access to the program details and some preliminary pre-prep homework.
Recipes: A manual on how to prepare for the 10 days, daily protocols, recipes, a meal plan, and strategies to make the most of the cleanse
Short Daily Emails: Daily emails with encouragement, education, journal prompts, reflections, and overall support
Live Coaching: A 30-minute coaching session with me, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Functional Medicine Health Coach
Support: Direct email & text messaging with me during the 10 days for real-time support
Online Group Support: 2 group Zoom gatherings to open and close the cleanse & to connect as a group/ Monday, 5/16 @ 2pm ET & Wednesday, 5/25 @ 6pm ET
Community: The online support and accountability group is an amazing resource, especially if you have questions. You’ll be invited to a private Whatsapp group and check-in whenever you need support and inspiration.
$225 / $200 if you register before April 30th
Last day to register is May 13th.
To register, Venmo @Julie-Peacock-2 and email me to let me know you’ll be joining.